Monday, June 1, 2009
31st May 09 - Work? + Cosplay?
First for all, would like say.. i'm tired!!! ...At first i was thinking want to write it yesterday but since too tired hardly able to type also.. haha.. Then let just start it today, a fresh morning in office today starting blogging about yesterday and would like to apologize i didnt take any pics regarding yesterday event, but i think since yesterday Esther, Belle & Jian come, they did take photo of us Naruto , Sakura & Sasuke.. Must well i can grab it from them, of they might even post the pic.. well here goes.
31st May
Morning - woke-up at around normal do my normal stuff la.. but i take a longer time to prepare, put my blue contact lens, spike my hair and wear casually. Pack costume & all other stuff into my bag. Eat breakfast and gone to Chinese class until 11.30am... ya.. every sunday morning i got Chinese class from 10.00am - 11.30am..
Afternoon- after Chinese class my parents send me to the event place, reach at Midvalley around 12 something. But since i arrive early,& also didnt start to work yet,&ya starts at 2pm. I went to find the others : belle, esther & Jian. Meet them at MPH. And ya.. guess wat? they prepare the present for cutie already, since a few weeks ago they don't want to show me..Jahat T_T...So at last... yesterday i see the album already that to tould me that they created for cutie, since i'm the who plan for them to come to surpires cutie, since cutie didnt know they are coming for a birthday surpires.. haha.. So we went in MPH, i have a look of the album.. i was OMG!!... i know it was beautiful... but i gonna KILL JIAN bcs... if u read his story he write between Naruto & Sakura u will understand.. again he bully me in a certain way.. T_T.. But is hard work for them, i say thanks to them and i pay my part to them & i promise them i belanja them makan next time^^..
So we did talk awhile, and while talking .... esther remember they say, they want to see my ic of my PIC... first imperssion?.. no imperssion.. they say u look "TOTALLY DIFFERENT".. look like a gangster from somewhere or a.k.a. Yakuza malay version!.. lol.. even myself also notice my looks are like that.XD scary.. if see would believe that is me.. or could say, i done a plastic surgery on that..haha.. Ok..back to that is already almost 1pm, i went to toilet to change my costume i ask jian to follow me also bcs i need his help for spraying my hair yellow again & yes.. i did tell them this is my last time spraying my hair yellow, i will get my naruto WIG!! *0*.. hardly wait for it. So, Jian help me to spray my hair i guess i took around 10-15mins, bcs of smell..Cannot tahan the smell of the spray.. Well i didn't Dress fully la, i dress half which is the bottom part. And we walk out. go meet esther & Belle at MPH back.
Around 1.15pm i call sasuke a.k.a Chris, ask him where is he.. But kesian him stuck in the traffic jam, but wat to do, he is the one who will help me on my face drawing.. lol.. so we waited him.. while waited we all go get some bread at bread talk to have some bite.. i'm super hungry.. @@ first time just buy a bread for my lunch.. hahah.. Is already 1.30 at last sasuke arrive and call me, so we meet up.. gone with him to prepare some stuff at the toilet, & ya.. is all sasuke idea want to report to the person in-charge but that person not even there yet! and is already 1.45pm!.. but since i say to him, the person in-charge not there yet let go prepare first la.. then he say ok.. So we when to the toilet, i say how long u will change into ur costume.. he say around 2mins.. i say ok..then i waited for him to change, bcs he the only one can help me on my make-up.. already 1.50pm , still not yet come out.. i call him oii.. "faster la is already 10mins to 2pm larr"...,then at last he dress already.. but still not yet done, he still got his wig not yet wear, and is already 1.55pm..=_=||.. I say to him.."taiko u better help me on the drawing first la.. can forget to make-up no time already and might be slightly late laaa..." then al last he draw it for me.. at last.. fuh.. But luckly we able make in time like ard 1-2mins late.. swt
Imagine i already at there early since 12pm but still we are late..=_=*kills him*.. So.. we meet sakura at meeting point.. Around 2.15pm the person-in charge arrive.. haha.. even the person in charge is late =X.. So she brief us on what to do later.. So we just follow the instrustions..@@
2.30pm - Is where all we started..As like normal cosplay event, people will take pics.. but this time more kids around.. aiyo..@_@.. well we just dont pose around we go towards those kids.. give candys, say hello... & etc.. And at the same time we have to do a survey for Anime tech! go aproach to customers ask some questions. Do as many as you could..well i wasn't easy though, come to our advantage is.. They took pics of us, in that chance, we ask them the questions! XD.. So as the same routine goes around until 6pm...*bored* there a offical Photographer from midvalley.. he been taking pics of us since then.. the most funny pose we ever done or tiring pose.... is the running pose!.. i was what?.. we all gonna be that pose for few mins until he took some good angle and nice effect. Meanwhile ard sometime dont remember wat time already, Belle,Esther & jian come as plan.. LOL.. *yeah right =_=||" i saw them, and i was with cutie.. i ask them to come and surpires her la.. and cutie got ask me " eh did u belle they come".. 8 act dont know i say "oh? really".. haha.. then tehy come towards cutie and surpires her.. wat surpires so call is this.. LOL... but i guess cutie was surpires in a kind of way that they give present to her.. XD.. we wish her happy
6pm - At last we finish our work.. Finnally...The person in-charge ask us to meet us at Anime-tech at the 3rd floor so we go.. So we go.. And sasuke sugguest us to take lift.. so at first i was ok with it... BUT while we were waiting the lift, man.. we had to wait like 3 - 5 lift until we can go in, is bcs the lift almost everytime is full..=_=.. So at last we did manage to go in, but all sempit together, i was at most back, sakura was infront me sasuke beside me.. so pack the lift..=-=.. ok.. at last we reach the floor we wanted to go...BUT guess wat again.. we at wrong wing...i was wth... we must walk all through the crowd again???...*geram**look at sasuke* lol.. Ya.. who see me, sure will say say naruto.. naruto at the whole of the food court area... Y not call sasuke / sakura?.. so we walk towards anime tech everyone was watching us.. But we dont care, like nobody bussiness we just walk fast..haha.. At last we reach at anime the person-charge.. is time for our payXD!!! *yeah!!! at last* lol.. The pay was RM50 + RM50 Cash voucher Anime tech(i lol for this).. So we did talk to the person in-charge about our experience today.. So i guess we call the day.. We gone to change to our normal casual wearing.. So i call belle and the gang to meet us up at the food court, the place where we sit down awhile and rest.. meanwhile we ask cutie to open the present we dedicated to her! haha.. about this can see cutie blog lar.. she got tell about it..XD;;..So wat did i do with the money & the voucher?... .. since i wanted the genma-kun plushie from last time.. LOL.. I use all the voucher at instant buy the genma plushie.. even the shopkeeper say something about me.. haha naruto buying Genma plushie.. lol.. So i did bought it.. XD;; *ps: esther i know u going to emo me ><*
Almost 7pm - we had decided to eat dinner.. we had our dinner at sushi king, sasuke say he want to go back.. saying he was tired, then okla.. haha.. then left me cutie, belle, and jian.. about esther she also went back early.. so sad she cannot join us..=/. Cutie also didnt eat bcs she also have to go back, she stay awhile with us until her parents pick her up..Me n belle & Jian hang-out at sushi king until around 8pm..And is about time we went back home..At first we thought of taking train back.. but later belle call her parents to pick her up.. and i ask belle to tumpang me ><.. and wat happen to jian..? well he cant follow us bcs totaly different way..he stay at cheras, me and belle at PJ..So he took train by his own... Sorry jian can't teman u..>< wait for belle parents to pick us up.. Well Thanks to belle parents and belle also.. for tumpanging me! thx alot!
8.30pm - Reach at KJ station..Walk as normal.. Was taking bus back to my Condo.. lucky i was on time go down the bus was at there and left on time while i was in the bus.. haha i was lucky XD;;.. Reach home around 10mins... First thing i do.. open PC.. and online.. meanwhile i let my pc warm up.. i go and bath...ard 9.00 something.. go online.. lol. surpires belle, cutie & jian still online.. lol.. well have a talk with them again till 11pm.. anddddd....lastly i gone to sleep... I think That for the whole day of.. WORK? + COSPLAY?..
Well if i get some pics i will post up.. currently i dont have.. haha XD;;.. maybe next time if got.. i will grab it.Maybe i post the genma-kun pic later.. XD;;;.. cheers.. ^_^. thx for reading my crappy story.. lol
31st May
Morning - woke-up at around normal do my normal stuff la.. but i take a longer time to prepare, put my blue contact lens, spike my hair and wear casually. Pack costume & all other stuff into my bag. Eat breakfast and gone to Chinese class until 11.30am... ya.. every sunday morning i got Chinese class from 10.00am - 11.30am..
Afternoon- after Chinese class my parents send me to the event place, reach at Midvalley around 12 something. But since i arrive early,& also didnt start to work yet,&ya starts at 2pm. I went to find the others : belle, esther & Jian. Meet them at MPH. And ya.. guess wat? they prepare the present for cutie already, since a few weeks ago they don't want to show me..Jahat T_T...So at last... yesterday i see the album already that to tould me that they created for cutie, since i'm the who plan for them to come to surpires cutie, since cutie didnt know they are coming for a birthday surpires.. haha.. So we went in MPH, i have a look of the album.. i was OMG!!... i know it was beautiful... but i gonna KILL JIAN bcs... if u read his story he write between Naruto & Sakura u will understand.. again he bully me in a certain way.. T_T.. But is hard work for them, i say thanks to them and i pay my part to them & i promise them i belanja them makan next time^^..
So we did talk awhile, and while talking .... esther remember they say, they want to see my ic of my PIC... first imperssion?.. no imperssion.. they say u look "TOTALLY DIFFERENT".. look like a gangster from somewhere or a.k.a. Yakuza malay version!.. lol.. even myself also notice my looks are like that.XD scary.. if see would believe that is me.. or could say, i done a plastic surgery on that..haha.. Ok..back to that is already almost 1pm, i went to toilet to change my costume i ask jian to follow me also bcs i need his help for spraying my hair yellow again & yes.. i did tell them this is my last time spraying my hair yellow, i will get my naruto WIG!! *0*.. hardly wait for it. So, Jian help me to spray my hair i guess i took around 10-15mins, bcs of smell..Cannot tahan the smell of the spray.. Well i didn't Dress fully la, i dress half which is the bottom part. And we walk out. go meet esther & Belle at MPH back.
Around 1.15pm i call sasuke a.k.a Chris, ask him where is he.. But kesian him stuck in the traffic jam, but wat to do, he is the one who will help me on my face drawing.. lol.. so we waited him.. while waited we all go get some bread at bread talk to have some bite.. i'm super hungry.. @@ first time just buy a bread for my lunch.. hahah.. Is already 1.30 at last sasuke arrive and call me, so we meet up.. gone with him to prepare some stuff at the toilet, & ya.. is all sasuke idea want to report to the person in-charge but that person not even there yet! and is already 1.45pm!.. but since i say to him, the person in-charge not there yet let go prepare first la.. then he say ok.. So we when to the toilet, i say how long u will change into ur costume.. he say around 2mins.. i say ok..then i waited for him to change, bcs he the only one can help me on my make-up.. already 1.50pm , still not yet come out.. i call him oii.. "faster la is already 10mins to 2pm larr"...,then at last he dress already.. but still not yet done, he still got his wig not yet wear, and is already 1.55pm..=_=||.. I say to him.."taiko u better help me on the drawing first la.. can forget to make-up no time already and might be slightly late laaa..." then al last he draw it for me.. at last.. fuh.. But luckly we able make in time like ard 1-2mins late.. swt
Imagine i already at there early since 12pm but still we are late..=_=*kills him*.. So.. we meet sakura at meeting point.. Around 2.15pm the person-in charge arrive.. haha.. even the person in charge is late =X.. So she brief us on what to do later.. So we just follow the instrustions..@@
2.30pm - Is where all we started..As like normal cosplay event, people will take pics.. but this time more kids around.. aiyo..@_@.. well we just dont pose around we go towards those kids.. give candys, say hello... & etc.. And at the same time we have to do a survey for Anime tech! go aproach to customers ask some questions. Do as many as you could..well i wasn't easy though, come to our advantage is.. They took pics of us, in that chance, we ask them the questions! XD.. So as the same routine goes around until 6pm...*bored* there a offical Photographer from midvalley.. he been taking pics of us since then.. the most funny pose we ever done or tiring pose.... is the running pose!.. i was what?.. we all gonna be that pose for few mins until he took some good angle and nice effect. Meanwhile ard sometime dont remember wat time already, Belle,Esther & jian come as plan.. LOL.. *yeah right =_=||" i saw them, and i was with cutie.. i ask them to come and surpires her la.. and cutie got ask me " eh did u belle they come".. 8 act dont know i say "oh? really".. haha.. then tehy come towards cutie and surpires her.. wat surpires so call is this.. LOL... but i guess cutie was surpires in a kind of way that they give present to her.. XD.. we wish her happy
6pm - At last we finish our work.. Finnally...The person in-charge ask us to meet us at Anime-tech at the 3rd floor so we go.. So we go.. And sasuke sugguest us to take lift.. so at first i was ok with it... BUT while we were waiting the lift, man.. we had to wait like 3 - 5 lift until we can go in, is bcs the lift almost everytime is full..=_=.. So at last we did manage to go in, but all sempit together, i was at most back, sakura was infront me sasuke beside me.. so pack the lift..=-=.. ok.. at last we reach the floor we wanted to go...BUT guess wat again.. we at wrong wing...i was wth... we must walk all through the crowd again???...*geram**look at sasuke* lol.. Ya.. who see me, sure will say say naruto.. naruto at the whole of the food court area... Y not call sasuke / sakura?.. so we walk towards anime tech everyone was watching us.. But we dont care, like nobody bussiness we just walk fast..haha.. At last we reach at anime the person-charge.. is time for our payXD!!! *yeah!!! at last* lol.. The pay was RM50 + RM50 Cash voucher Anime tech(i lol for this).. So we did talk to the person in-charge about our experience today.. So i guess we call the day.. We gone to change to our normal casual wearing.. So i call belle and the gang to meet us up at the food court, the place where we sit down awhile and rest.. meanwhile we ask cutie to open the present we dedicated to her! haha.. about this can see cutie blog lar.. she got tell about it..XD;;..So wat did i do with the money & the voucher?... .. since i wanted the genma-kun plushie from last time.. LOL.. I use all the voucher at instant buy the genma plushie.. even the shopkeeper say something about me.. haha naruto buying Genma plushie.. lol.. So i did bought it.. XD;; *ps: esther i know u going to emo me ><*
Almost 7pm - we had decided to eat dinner.. we had our dinner at sushi king, sasuke say he want to go back.. saying he was tired, then okla.. haha.. then left me cutie, belle, and jian.. about esther she also went back early.. so sad she cannot join us..=/. Cutie also didnt eat bcs she also have to go back, she stay awhile with us until her parents pick her up..Me n belle & Jian hang-out at sushi king until around 8pm..And is about time we went back home..At first we thought of taking train back.. but later belle call her parents to pick her up.. and i ask belle to tumpang me ><.. and wat happen to jian..? well he cant follow us bcs totaly different way..he stay at cheras, me and belle at PJ..So he took train by his own... Sorry jian can't teman u..>< wait for belle parents to pick us up.. Well Thanks to belle parents and belle also.. for tumpanging me! thx alot!
8.30pm - Reach at KJ station..Walk as normal.. Was taking bus back to my Condo.. lucky i was on time go down the bus was at there and left on time while i was in the bus.. haha i was lucky XD;;.. Reach home around 10mins... First thing i do.. open PC.. and online.. meanwhile i let my pc warm up.. i go and bath...ard 9.00 something.. go online.. lol. surpires belle, cutie & jian still online.. lol.. well have a talk with them again till 11pm.. anddddd....lastly i gone to sleep... I think That for the whole day of.. WORK? + COSPLAY?..
Well if i get some pics i will post up.. currently i dont have.. haha XD;;.. maybe next time if got.. i will grab it.Maybe i post the genma-kun pic later.. XD;;;.. cheers.. ^_^. thx for reading my crappy story.. lol
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haha,kiranya korang dibayarkan utk kerja tu kan? best!. sronok gak tgk group naruto korg. tadi singgah kat blog cutiepie, mmg lawa hadiah tu.
ReplyDeletegud luck guys. keep on cosplaying~!
Aman > yeap.. of course kita being paid la.. kalau tak.. tak akan kerja punya pun.. XD;;.. anyway.. terima kasih sebab baca cerita aku yg merepek &begitu panjang tanpa gambar.. lol...
ReplyDeletehaha,sebab best tgk group korg aktif!
ReplyDeleteneway,kira korg pun ada wat promotion ke kedai2 la ek utk jd cosplay dlm event. hebat2!
neway,update2 gambar. im waiting~